Kamen Rider Amazons Episode 10


Air date June 3, 2016
Written by Yasuko Kobayashi
Directed by Ryuta Tasaki


The fight between Jin and Maehara, won by Maehara. Jin get severe injuries. If not please by Nanaha, Jin could be killed.

Jin met Nozama Peston Service. Jin gives information about the resurrection Maehara and strength Amazons Sigma. They were surprised Maehara could live again.

Nozama Peston Service get the command to eradicate the Amazons. Amazons but it has been eradicated by Maehara. Happened was a battle between Nozama Peston Service. Maehara want to kill Mamoru.

Haruka came abruptly to protect Mamoru. Amazons Sigma and Omega fights began. The attack of Sigma succeeded in penetrating the body Amazons Omega.

Reference : http://kamenrider.wikia.com/wiki/JUNGLE_LAW
Subtitle English from http://www.tvnihon.com/

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