Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger - Number 16

Because You're a Friend 
(仲間だからこそ Nakamadakara Koso)

 It features the debut of LupinKaiser Cyclone Knight.

Production Information
Air Date(s) May 27, 2018
Written by Naruhisa Arakawa
Directed by Katsuya Watanabe

The Gangler rampages through the streets! The phantom thieves rush to secure the Collection, despite the fact that the Gangler has the ability to swap minds. At that moment, Kairi and Umika managed to capture the Gangler, but just as Tooma goes to reach for the safe, the Gangler swaps minds. One beam of light hits Tooma, and the other hits the Gangler. When their eyes open, the Gangler and Tooma have swapped minds! Just as they are trying to figure out what’s going on, they hear a familiar voice… “Freeze! This is the Global Police!”

Special Thank's to : 
  1. Tv Asahi
  2. Subtitle English from Over-Time
  3. Reference : Lupinranger VS Patranger Wikia
  4. SpecialForm12 : Youtube
Screen Shot Episode

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